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Content Warning

Web Get Famous or Die Trying Content Warning

A Co-Op Horror Game Where You Film Spooky Stuff With Your Friends To Try and Go Viral

What is a Content Warning

A content warning alerts readers to upcoming content and themes that some may find distressing, such as scenes with violence, gore, or sexual content. The warning should be descriptive enough that the reader can make an informed decision about whether to proceed, but not so detailed that it spoils the experience for those who do not wish to be warned.

Content Warnings Are Important

Content warnings are important because they give people the opportunity to make informed choices about the content they consume. They can help people to avoid content that may be triggering or upsetting.

How to Use Content Warnings

Content warnings should be placed at the beginning of a piece of content, before any potentially sensitive material is encountered. They should be clear and concise, and they should avoid using vague or ambiguous language. The warning should be descriptive enough that the reader can make an informed decision about whether to proceed, but not so detailed that it spoils the experience for those who do not wish to be warned.


Content warnings are an important tool for helping people to make informed choices about the content they consume. They can help to protect people from being exposed to content that may be triggering or upsetting, and they can also help to create a more inclusive and welcoming online environment.
