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Content Creator Supercell

Supercell Creators: Everything You Need to Know

Exclusive Tools and Support for Top Creators

Attention all Clash Royale, Brawl Stars, and Clash of Clans fans!

The Supercell Creator program is your ticket to exclusive sneak peeks, tools, and support from the game developers. This program is designed to empower creators to take their content to the next level and connect with a passionate audience.

Benefits of Joining

As a Supercell Creator, you'll have access to a host of benefits, including:

  • Exclusive sneak peeks and early access to new features
  • Tools to improve your content creation, such as video editing software and analytics
  • Support from Supercell staff to help you grow your audience and monetize your content

Top Creators Program

Top creators may also qualify for additional privileges, such as:

  • Video inbox, allowing you to submit videos directly to Supercell for review
  • Feature in official Supercell promotions and events
  • Exclusive training and workshops to enhance your skills

How to Join

To join the Supercell Creator program, you'll need to meet certain eligibility criteria and submit an application. Visit the Supercell Creator website for more details and to apply:

Supercell Creator Program

Fan Sites and Paid Services

Supercell supports fan sites that offer paid services to their users, such as match data analysis. However, these services must comply with Supercell's Fan Content Policy. Learn more:

Supercell Fan Content Policy
